16 Kasım 2014 Pazar

Storybird vs Storify

I enjoyed with storybird. It is a simple tool to use, but it is restricted in terms of visuals and colors(when you do a cover page). Actually there are several photos but you can use only few of them for your story or you need to create a context according to the visuals in the program. I also think that the program can be used for children because the pictures are childish :p. On the other hand, I found storify a bit chalenging. I tried to create a story but I just create a pile of words. However, there is a search buttom (even I couldn't use) and you can search for videos, pictures, texts from different sites like instagram, flicker, google and youtube and it also seems as a powerpoint show which makes it more attracting. Lastly, I think this can be used with adults unlike the storybird because you don't need to create just a story...

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