20 Kasım 2014 Perşembe

My ideas about Swiftkey

There are both disadvantages and advantages of using Swiftkey. Firstly, I will write the disadvantages. Its buttons are very small and I find this a bit challenging. For example, I tried to touch to ‘f’ but it pressed to ‘g’. Then, most of the times it predicted my words wrong and it changed them as wrong without my permission. To illustrate, I tried to say ‘göstereyim’ but it changed the word as göseriyor or ‘eyiyim’ (I am good) to ‘eğitim’ (education) without my permission and I think this is time consuming to correct the word again. Now, I will write the advantages of using Swiftkey. First of all, when I wrote a word wrong, it corrected it for me. For example, I wrote ‘kjtal’ instead of writing kitap but the tool corrected it for me. Secondly, most of the time it predicted correctly the word that I wanted to write as next. For instance, I wanted to write ‘nasıl gidiyor’ (how is it going) and I wrote ‘nasıl’ (how) and it gave me some options ‘bir’ (one) ‘gidiyor’ (is going) ‘yani’ (so), so I chose ‘gidiyor’. I think this saves our time and helps us to write quickly To be honest, I deleted the tool because I didn’t like it may be as I get used to my own keyboard, however, I will offer it to my students when I become a teacher because It predicts most of the collacatons cleverly right, so I think this help students to see more frequent collocations of words. Also, as it corrects the wrong written words, the students may learn their written forms correctly.

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