7 Ekim 2014 Salı

Current Use of Technology in Cyprus and Its Future

Because of advanced technology, there are lots of changes teaching (in technology) in Cyprus compared to the past. For example, in the past we just used recordings for listening skills or when we needed to watch a video, we needed to use a television with a CD (we had a television room). Additionally, when we had research homework, we needed to go to a library and search for the several books as the internet wasn’t common. Also, we were using blackboards. I didn’t like blackboard because they were very inconvenient ( they were dusty). However, if we look at the today’s schools, all of them use white boards with no dust  and smart boards. Moreover, most of the schools have the internet connection. This means that whenever you want, you can access to everything with endless data. I think that these changes in technology in teaching will continue to happen. I predict that when I graduate, most of the schools will start to use I Pad or tablet computers instead of using books and notebooks. Furthermore, I think that most of the teachers will prefer to make their exams online. Finally, I want to say that although I don’t like technology, I think it is very useful and I believe it will help me when I become a teacher. For example, if I become a teacher for young learners, I may need to prepare visual and funny works. To be able to prepare such works, I will need to use the internet and a computer. Even I don’t become a young learners’ teacher, I will always need to use technology in terms of making research, sending e-mails, preparing work sheets, connecting to my colleagues and my student etc.

2 yorum:

  1. Bu yorum yazar tarafından silindi.

  2. Hi Özlem :) As I understand from your paragraph, in your school life, your teachers did not use different materials than my teachers. It is a pity situation because we are 20 and 21st century learners. However, it is good that nowadays schools give more importance to the technology and they provide the internet and necessary materials. I think that you can be good at using technology if you give more importance. :)
