19 Ekim 2014 Pazar

Reflection of chapter 4

In 21th Century, .ı think the best way of teaching is using technology. Lessons with technology are very colorful and useful. For example, teachers can use the projector and the internet to show us a video related with the lesson. The video takes student’s attention and makes the subject memorable. However, in the past, most of my teachers used recordings for such exercises which were very boring.

As I mentioned in my previous blog, a few of my teachers were using technology in high school. They followed most of the steps in the ASSURE model while integrating technology in their lessons, but I don’t know if they were aware of such an existing system. Well, either knowingly or unknowingly, the teachers’ classes who followed the steps of Assure model were better than the teachers’ classes who didn’t.

If I compare my past teachers (who didn’t use tech in class) and my present teachers (who use tech. frequently and follow all of the steps in ASSURE model), I can say that my present teachers’ lessons are more effective.

1 yorum:

  1. Hi Özlem. I totally agree with you. Using technology in the classroom makes the class more enjoyable. Latest improvement in the technological area enables us to use them in the classroom. Actually, breaking the routines in the classroom has started with the these improvements. As a potential teacher, I notice that classes with using tech are much more effective for students. I am planning to apply what I learned in CTE319 courses on my own classroom. Of course not all of them, just some of them :)
