9 Ekim 2014 Perşembe

Technology Integration

Technology! What an interesting thing. You cannot stop it! It is like a giant. It develops and grows day to day. I don’t know how I will keep up with it. I am sure I will use it (tech) when I become a teacher, but I don’t know what level of technology integration I will be able to achieve when I start teaching because I cannot imagine the changes will be in tech. May be, I will use the newest technology, may be, I will use the oldest. I don’t know. There are also lots of possibilities. For example, I will want to use the newest tech. but the school will not have the enough budgets for it or while I am using it I will face some obstacles like internet connection and problems that I have never faced. Actually, in order not to face such obstacles, I don’t want to use technology in every field. I think to use it only when I need visual things to show them to my students and to make the subject stable. Lastly, even I don’t like technology as it is unreliable I probably will use it when I start teaching because you cannot keep yourself away from technology as you always need it...

2 yorum:

  1. Hi Özlem. I've read your thoughts about technology integration and I see that you are bit of afraid about applying the technology to your lessons. Actually some you said are true. Technology has possibility to make things harder as much as making easier. But eventually we have to keep up with the newest technological stuff to catch up with our students. In future children will use technology more than today for sure, so as future teachers we must prepare ourselves to this challenge.

  2. Özlem I am totally agree with you. Technology is really perfect some schools budget can not be enough for it. That's why we should prepare ourselves for using it in class or not using it even in the school.
